Monday, September 20, 2010

Putting it into practice

Whilst I have been busy with the two latest assignments I have been able to put into practice what I have learnt over this semester in the school where I teach relief classes, and will hopefully be the TL when the new library is built in 2012.

I have got all the teachers' email addresses and have emailed them all links to cool sites I've found along the way. I've been able to share with the upper primary teachers the idea about research models (they didn't really know much about them!) and one teacher asked me to provide her and her class with one to use next term!! The pathfinder that I made for501 is also being used by that class and the other teachers have seen it and would love me to be able to work with them for one next year!

The principal is happy for all of this to happen and is getting excited about my excitement! I'm hopeful that I will be able to show over the next year what an asset a TL can be when utilised correctly and not just there to manage the resources and provide non-contact time for the teachers.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

YES! I passed

Well I have to brag somewhere :P
Its not for this subject either. But for 501. Because I live in an area that would see me getting my results late James let me know what I got.
I am SO happy with my result. 3% off the next bracket. Next time :)

I'm interested to see my results for this subject as this was the one I made use of student services to check over my assignment.

Hurry up please Mr Postman :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ramblings and frustrations

So this week has proven frustrating.
Assignment 2 for ETL 401 wasn't exactly clear in the outline or the podcast, and even though more information was sought earlier the answers didn't come until this week. Has meant alot of frantic searchings and facebook statuses about my frustration.
I have learnt though that the skills I have been learning through this subject and 501 has proven useful as I scramble for more information that is required.

As I read through the standards about teaching and teacher librarians it has motivated me and inspired me to be a better teacher and eventually a teacher librarian. Something to aspire to and encourage my fellow teachers with. They have also shown me the extent and importance of the TL role and further added to the knowledge of what this role encompasses vs what I knew and thought before I started this course.

The standards are the ALIA/ASLA standards, Australian School Library Association (ASLA) and Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). (2004). Library standards of professional excellence for teacher librarians. They can be found at